Some research suggests that each body type has certain characteristics in terms of weight, fat, and muscle — but there’s less data to support the dietary and exercise recommendations, so don’t expect this to be a magic bullet. When it comes to your body, Catudal says there are common elements among body types that suggests how much muscle or fat you tend to have, as well as how fast or slow your metabolism may be, and thus how easy or difficult it may be for you to lose weight.

Catudal says that finding your dominant body type (because you can be a mix of two) can help guide you toward healthy habits that will work best for your body and help you form more realistic goals. “If you’re doing the same thing as someone else who doesn’t have your same body structure, you won’t get the same results. It helps to realign your expectations with what is possible for you,” he says. If you’re unclear about where yours falls, one clue to your body’s more natural metabolic state is what your body looked like when you were a late teen or in your early twenties, says Catudal. Here are some other clues, from Just Your Type, to identify your category. Ectomorph Thin, long, and lanky. You have a smaller bone structure with shoulders that tend to be narrower than your hips. Over the years, you may also notice you have trouble gaining weight. This type can typically handle more carbohydrates. Mesomorph You’re more muscle-dominant, with an hourglass figure and medium frame. That said, “many people misclassify their body type,” says Catudal. His book includes a quiz to help you identify if you fit neatly into one of the three main types above, or a hybrid type, described below. (To figure out your body type, take the quiz here.) Ecto-Mesomorphs This body type is lean and muscular. Ecto-Endomorphs This describes a person who is naturally thin but has gained weight due to lack of exercise and a poor diet. Breakfast Oatmeal with fruit and nuts Snack Protein shake Lunch Salad with a variety of chopped veggies, topped with chicken and vinaigrette Snack Apple and almonds Dinner Grilled shrimp and broccoli over quinoa

A 1-Day Sample Menu for Mesomorphs

A mesomorph will aim to divide their calories fairly evenly between the macronutrients, Catudal says. Breakfast Toast with scrambled eggs Snack Protein bar and fruit Lunch Salad with mixed chopped veggies, chickpeas, and your choice of dressing Snack Veggies and hummus Dinner Chicken breast, roasted veggies, sweet potato

A 1-Day Sample Menu for Endomorphs

The endomorph will want to stick with a 20-40-40 split of calories between carbohydrates, protein, and fat in order to shed body fat, says Catudal. (Read: High protein, lower in carbs.) Consume grains with lunch or dinner, depending on the time of your workout, he advises. Breakfast Eggs and spinach Snack Protein bar Lunch Roasted turkey lettuce wraps Snack Veggies and hummus Dinner Chicken with zucchini noodles and quinoa There’s still an eating prescription involved, though. Ectomorphs, for example, are thought to excel on a higher-carbohydrate eating plan, so an extremely low-carb keto diet may set them up for failure. It’s one reason why the latest diet isn’t guaranteed to give you the same results as your friend who tried the same plan. You’ll also get a reality check on your goals. Though anyone can give their birth body type a dramatic shift, it depends on how much time and effort you’re looking to put in, says Catudal. You may be striving for defined abs now, but that may not be right for your body — and that’s okay. Despite what popular culture may have you believe, there’s no “perfect” diet, and improving your health is what matters. Another benefit to working with your body type is that it can help you “understand how to maximize your potential and not get frustrated by your limitations,” says Marta Montenegro, PhD, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and a specialist in fitness nutrition in Miami. For instance, endomorphs tend to have a more difficult time losing weight. Knowing this ahead of time can help prime you to put in the work needed or tweak your diet accordingly (by reducing carbs), she says. There is often a lot of frustration involved in weight loss, and knowing your body type can help you set expectations appropriately. On this plan, apple types would be advised to limit grains and starchy carbs to help improve insulin sensitivity. This is true no matter how you’d describe yourself, she says, adding that even ectomorphs who have a bigger belly are at risk for health problems. Also consider that many people don’t fit into a neat little organization system of body types, says Nanci Guest, PhD, RD, CSCS, a nutritional scientist, genetic researcher, and personal trainer in Toronto. “People exist in between each one of the body types — we come in every shape out there. There are so many exceptions to the rule [of who fits into what somatotype] that after that, this isn’t a rule anymore,” she says. Dr. Guest also notes that there isn’t enough science to suggest that you can exercise for your type. “We don’t know if you should do the opposite [of your strengths] to balance yourself out or do what you’re good at to capitalize on your abilities. It’s not yet clear how to train people based on their body type,” she says. Ectomorph You may find you gravitate toward endurance sports, like running, but that adding resistance training (such as weight lifting or body weight exercises) can help you build toned, lean muscles and lower your injury risk. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is effective because it trains both your anaerobic and aerobic cardio systems, as well as building strength and muscle. Mesomorph You tend to build muscle easily, and sports that require quick bursts of strength and power (like soccer or hockey) tend to come easy. But it’s also easy for you to hit fitness plateaus. Keep in mind that varying your workouts, doing workouts of different intensity (like HIIT training, sprints, or kickboxing), and changing your workout routine every few months can all help to avoid those plateaus and keep you in your best shape, Catudal says. Endomorph Adding HIIT workouts to your training routine once stamina and endurance increase is a great way to stimulate extra fat burning that continues even after your workouts. By Phil Catudal, with Stacey Colino This book shines at explaining the basics of body type diet and exercise with a kind and thoughtful tone. You’ll feel empowered to adopt habits that are right for your body without feeling as if you’re limited by your “type.” What Is Eating for Your Body Type? By Helen Kollias, PhD, and Ryan Andrews, RD, CSCS Precision Nutrition is a company that certifies health and fitness professionals, and their experts are excellent resources for breaking down diet trends in an honest way. Andrews and Dr. Kollias offer tips on how to try a body type diet in a healthful, sustainable way. How to Eat for Your Body Type, Ep. 135 Open Sky Fitness Podcast Sometimes, it’s easier to listen while you learn, and this podcast is a good intro to body types and helps answer common questions, such as how can you gain muscle if you’re an ectomorph and how an endomorph can get stronger to stoke their metabolism. How to Lose Weight Based on Your Body Type, Ep. 35 Jacked on the Beanstalk If weight loss is your main goal with the body type diet, this podcast breaks down how calorie, protein, and fat intake goals vary for each body type. (That said, always consult with an RD for the most personalized calculations.)

Should You Follow a Body Type Diet?

If you’re looking for a new way to approach a diet and exercise program, following your somatotype may be a way to maximize your body’s strengths and correct any weaknesses. That said, experts do not agree across the board that the scientific data supports following this type of program. The upshot is that it is safe because it generally focuses on nutrient-rich whole foods, is balanced, and doesn’t eliminate any one food group.

Body Type Diet  Are You an Ectomorph  Mesomorph  or Endomorph  - 66Body Type Diet  Are You an Ectomorph  Mesomorph  or Endomorph  - 85Body Type Diet  Are You an Ectomorph  Mesomorph  or Endomorph  - 42Body Type Diet  Are You an Ectomorph  Mesomorph  or Endomorph  - 58Body Type Diet  Are You an Ectomorph  Mesomorph  or Endomorph  - 61Body Type Diet  Are You an Ectomorph  Mesomorph  or Endomorph  - 75