Here’s the scoop: “Tap water has a pH of around 7, which is right in the middle of the pH scale,” says Malina Malkani, RDN, a dietitian in Rye, New York, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. You may remember from science class that the pH scale goes from 1 to 14, with 1 being the most acidic and 14 being the most basic. “Alkaline water, however, tends to come in at an 8 or 9, which means it’s more basic than regular tap or bottled water,” says Malkani. The reason alkaline water is more basic? “It contains minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium, all of which make the water more alkaline,” says Natalie Rizzo, RDN, who’s based in New York City. And these extra minerals may just be the reason why alkaline water has become the new “it” drink — by downing the basic beverage, some believe you’ll score beneficial nutrients. But does consuming these additional minerals through water actually equate to better health? Discover what dietitians really think about this new water trend, and whether ordering a few bottles is worth it. RELATED: 6 Unusual Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

The Lowdown on Those Minerals You’ll Get in Alkaline Water

Alkaline water isn’t necessarily a modern creation. “The alkaline process can occur when spring water passes over rocks, and picks up the different alkalizing minerals,” says Malkani. Thus, you can purchase alkaline water that naturally contains these nutrients. In other cases, says Malkani, companies add the minerals to the water or use a water ionizer device to make the H20 more basic, and then market the water accordingly. “You can even make your own alkaline water with lemon juice and baking soda,” Malkani adds. The catch: Many of these alkalizing waters have minuscule amounts of minerals. “So by drinking this water you’re not getting close to the recommended daily allowance of, say, magnesium,” says Rizzo. The alkaline water trend has partly taken off, Malkani believes, because of the hype around the alkaline diet, made popular by celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, and Kate Hudson. The diet claims that the foods you eat can alter your body’s pH, thus providing you with potential health benefits — though experts say that there’s a major lack of research behind the diet’s main principles. That hasn’t affected the popularity of alkaline water. “As a society we are always looking for a quick fix, and some of the claims about the alkaline diet and water are in line with that quick-fix mentality,” says Malkani. RELATED: 8 Foods High in Magnesium

Unpacking 5 Health Claims About Alkaline Water

Is there any basis for the touted benefits of alkaline water? Here’s how it’s been hyped and what really pans out:

Claim 1: It Helps Athletes Better Hydrate

“Because alkaline water may indeed contain minerals that are also electrolytes, there’s a popular claim that it can help athletes hydrate better,” says Rizzo. But that’s no reason to start buying cases of alkaline water if, say, you have a half-marathon coming up. “The electrolytes in alkaline water aren’t nearly as high as in coconut water or sports drinks,” she says. One small study published in November 2018 in the journal PLoS One looked at 16 athletes and found that drinking alkaline water did have a positive effect on hydration compared with table water — but that may not translate on a larger scale — or to the general public. “It was one very small study, and the results weren’t significant,” says Rizzo. Bottom line: “If you’re trying to improve hydration, regular water is just fine and plenty hydrating,” says Malkani. RELATED: 4 Amazing Health Benefits of Water

Claim 2: It Combats Acid Reflux

If you’re dealing with acid reflux, then why not combat the issue with a basic water, right? Well, it’s not exactly that easy. “If you have acid reflux, it’s a good idea to drink lots of water in general, but it doesn’t need to be alkaline,” says Rizzo. “The most important thing you’ll want to do is figure out your acid reflux triggers — for some people it’s coffee or chocolate, for others it could be acidic fruits and veggies, like citrus, tomatoes, and garlic,” says Rizzo. “The root of the issue is most likely due to food-based triggers,” Rizzo adds. “There are a few studies that suggest alkaline water may help with acid reflux, but more research is needed,” adds Malkani. For example, one study published in July 2012 in the journal Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology looked at alkaline water as a treatment for acid reflux, and found it could potentially have therapeutic benefits. But the study was done “in vitro,” or in test tubes, rather than looking at the impact on actual humans. Thus, it’s too early to draw any real conclusions. “Based on the research, we don’t really know if alkaline water can help yet, so it wouldn’t be a first line of defense,” says Malkani. RELATED: What’s the Difference Between Acid Reflux and GERD?

Claim 3: It Prevents Bone Loss

As people age, many start worrying about bone loss, also known as osteoporosis — which can make bones brittle and more likely to fracture. Medline Plus notes that women over age 50 and men over age 70 are at the highest risk, though various factors, such as genetics, diet and lifestyle, and other underlying medical conditions can also put someone at a higher risk for bone loss. “And people are concerned that acid can break down bone,” says Rizzo. An article published in April 2018 in the journal Nutrients, for instance, found that certain at-risk people, especially those with weakened kidney function or lower muscle and bone mass, who eat a high-acid diet over decades could experience a depletion of bone mineral. That said, the connection between drinking alkaline water and preventing bone mineral loss just isn’t there. “Proponents of alkaline water say that it will prevent the build-up of acid, but there’s no direct research that alkaline water helps with that,” says Rizzo. RELATED: What’s the Best Way to Help Treat Osteoporosis?

Claim 4: It’s Detoxifying

Fans of alkaline water say that by drinking the beverage, you’ll help “detoxify” your body. But that theory has plenty of critics. “I think the idea that it can detoxify is ridiculous,” says Rizzo. “For whatever reason, the trend of trying to detoxify your body is still going strong, but it’s unclear what people mean when they say they’re ‘detoxifying,’” says Rizzo. “Some people might think the alkaline water is doing the detoxifying, but your liver is there for a reason — to detoxify,” she adds. In general, hydration is key to keeping your body in a healthy state, Harvard Health Publishing points out. “When all of our systems are running smoothly, our body is really good at detoxing itself naturally, through the kidneys, liver, and lungs, and part of keeping that system operating at its best is through adequate water intake,” says Malkani. So while hydration with water and other fluids is key to helping your body rid itself of toxins, fancy alkaline water isn’t necessary. “Bottom line is that there’s no research that shows alkaline water can detoxify your body,” says Rizzo. RELATED: 5 Potential Benefits of Celery Juice

Claim 5: It Prevents Cancer

“A common ‘miracle claim’ is that alkaline water prevents cancer, but there’s no scientific evidence that supports this,” says Malkani. The theory comes from research that suggests acidic environments may help foster the growth of cancer cells, according to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. “While these findings are accurate, they apply only to cells in an isolated lab setting,” noted the American Institute for Cancer Research. “Altering the cell environment of the human body to create a less acidic, less cancer-friendly environment is virtually impossible,” the American Institute for Cancer Research adds. Thus, alkaline water can’t change the pH levels of your blood. “Our bodies are really adept at keeping blood pH in tight range, so even if you eat or drink something acidic or alkaline, by the time it gets to your digestive system, it will be neutralized anyway, to keep your blood in that tight range,” says Malkani. So if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer or are trying to prevent the disease, talking with your doctor and focusing on eating healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and beans, is important, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, but worrying over whether your food or drinks are acidic or basic isn’t necessary. RELATED: What to Eat to Feel Your Best While Fighting Cancer

Alkaline Water: to Drink or Not to Drink?

While most health claims surrounding alkaline water don’t pan out, drinking it won’t hurt you, says Malkani. And there’s an actual perk when it comes to flavor: “Many people find alkaline water tastes a little smoother and slightly sweeter,” says Malkani. “So, if you enjoy the taste of alkaline water and it helps you stay hydrated, then why not drink it?” says Malkani. “Hydration is important for so many systems in our body,” she says. “Drinking water helps us maintain an optimal weight, plus you need enough water for fiber to work properly, for your digestion and bowel movements,” says Malkani. Just know that it may come at a financial price. “There are no downsides to drinking alkaline water, except that you’re spending more money than you need to,” adds Rizzo. If you do want to go the alkaline water route, Essentia uses an ionization process to make the water alkaline, while Flow is an alkaline spring water. You can also try an alkaline infuser, like the GoFiltr Alkaline Filter to make your own alkaline water at home. One last word of advice: Be sure you don’t think of alkaline water as a cure-all, says Rizzo. “If you’re drinking it while eating fried food and junky snacks, that will lead to inflammation, and alkaline water won’t solve that problem,” says Rizzo. RELATED: A Comprehensive Guide to an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

title: “Does Alkaline Water Have Real Health Benefits " ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-13” author: “Adam Rocha”

Here’s the scoop: “Tap water has a pH of around 7, which is right in the middle of the pH scale,” says Malina Malkani, RDN, a dietitian in Rye, New York, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. You may remember from science class that the pH scale goes from 1 to 14, with 1 being the most acidic and 14 being the most basic. “Alkaline water, however, tends to come in at an 8 or 9, which means it’s more basic than regular tap or bottled water,” says Malkani. The reason alkaline water is more basic? “It contains minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium, all of which make the water more alkaline,” says Natalie Rizzo, RDN, who’s based in New York City. And these extra minerals may just be the reason why alkaline water has become the new “it” drink — by downing the basic beverage, some believe you’ll score beneficial nutrients. But does consuming these additional minerals through water actually equate to better health? Discover what dietitians really think about this new water trend, and whether ordering a few bottles is worth it. RELATED: 6 Unusual Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

The Lowdown on Those Minerals You’ll Get in Alkaline Water

Alkaline water isn’t necessarily a modern creation. “The alkaline process can occur when spring water passes over rocks, and picks up the different alkalizing minerals,” says Malkani. Thus, you can purchase alkaline water that naturally contains these nutrients. In other cases, says Malkani, companies add the minerals to the water or use a water ionizer device to make the H20 more basic, and then market the water accordingly. “You can even make your own alkaline water with lemon juice and baking soda,” Malkani adds. The catch: Many of these alkalizing waters have minuscule amounts of minerals. “So by drinking this water you’re not getting close to the recommended daily allowance of, say, magnesium,” says Rizzo. The alkaline water trend has partly taken off, Malkani believes, because of the hype around the alkaline diet, made popular by celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, and Kate Hudson. The diet claims that the foods you eat can alter your body’s pH, thus providing you with potential health benefits — though experts say that there’s a major lack of research behind the diet’s main principles. That hasn’t affected the popularity of alkaline water. “As a society we are always looking for a quick fix, and some of the claims about the alkaline diet and water are in line with that quick-fix mentality,” says Malkani. RELATED: 8 Foods High in Magnesium

Unpacking 5 Health Claims About Alkaline Water

Is there any basis for the touted benefits of alkaline water? Here’s how it’s been hyped and what really pans out:

Claim 1: It Helps Athletes Better Hydrate

“Because alkaline water may indeed contain minerals that are also electrolytes, there’s a popular claim that it can help athletes hydrate better,” says Rizzo. But that’s no reason to start buying cases of alkaline water if, say, you have a half-marathon coming up. “The electrolytes in alkaline water aren’t nearly as high as in coconut water or sports drinks,” she says. One small study published in November 2018 in the journal PLoS One looked at 16 athletes and found that drinking alkaline water did have a positive effect on hydration compared with table water — but that may not translate on a larger scale — or to the general public. “It was one very small study, and the results weren’t significant,” says Rizzo. Bottom line: “If you’re trying to improve hydration, regular water is just fine and plenty hydrating,” says Malkani. RELATED: 4 Amazing Health Benefits of Water

Claim 2: It Combats Acid Reflux

If you’re dealing with acid reflux, then why not combat the issue with a basic water, right? Well, it’s not exactly that easy. “If you have acid reflux, it’s a good idea to drink lots of water in general, but it doesn’t need to be alkaline,” says Rizzo. “The most important thing you’ll want to do is figure out your acid reflux triggers — for some people it’s coffee or chocolate, for others it could be acidic fruits and veggies, like citrus, tomatoes, and garlic,” says Rizzo. “The root of the issue is most likely due to food-based triggers,” Rizzo adds. “There are a few studies that suggest alkaline water may help with acid reflux, but more research is needed,” adds Malkani. For example, one study published in July 2012 in the journal Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology looked at alkaline water as a treatment for acid reflux, and found it could potentially have therapeutic benefits. But the study was done “in vitro,” or in test tubes, rather than looking at the impact on actual humans. Thus, it’s too early to draw any real conclusions. “Based on the research, we don’t really know if alkaline water can help yet, so it wouldn’t be a first line of defense,” says Malkani. RELATED: What’s the Difference Between Acid Reflux and GERD?

Claim 3: It Prevents Bone Loss

As people age, many start worrying about bone loss, also known as osteoporosis — which can make bones brittle and more likely to fracture. Medline Plus notes that women over age 50 and men over age 70 are at the highest risk, though various factors, such as genetics, diet and lifestyle, and other underlying medical conditions can also put someone at a higher risk for bone loss. “And people are concerned that acid can break down bone,” says Rizzo. An article published in April 2018 in the journal Nutrients, for instance, found that certain at-risk people, especially those with weakened kidney function or lower muscle and bone mass, who eat a high-acid diet over decades could experience a depletion of bone mineral. That said, the connection between drinking alkaline water and preventing bone mineral loss just isn’t there. “Proponents of alkaline water say that it will prevent the build-up of acid, but there’s no direct research that alkaline water helps with that,” says Rizzo. RELATED: What’s the Best Way to Help Treat Osteoporosis?

Claim 4: It’s Detoxifying

Fans of alkaline water say that by drinking the beverage, you’ll help “detoxify” your body. But that theory has plenty of critics. “I think the idea that it can detoxify is ridiculous,” says Rizzo. “For whatever reason, the trend of trying to detoxify your body is still going strong, but it’s unclear what people mean when they say they’re ‘detoxifying,’” says Rizzo. “Some people might think the alkaline water is doing the detoxifying, but your liver is there for a reason — to detoxify,” she adds. In general, hydration is key to keeping your body in a healthy state, Harvard Health Publishing points out. “When all of our systems are running smoothly, our body is really good at detoxing itself naturally, through the kidneys, liver, and lungs, and part of keeping that system operating at its best is through adequate water intake,” says Malkani. So while hydration with water and other fluids is key to helping your body rid itself of toxins, fancy alkaline water isn’t necessary. “Bottom line is that there’s no research that shows alkaline water can detoxify your body,” says Rizzo. RELATED: 5 Potential Benefits of Celery Juice

Claim 5: It Prevents Cancer

“A common ‘miracle claim’ is that alkaline water prevents cancer, but there’s no scientific evidence that supports this,” says Malkani. The theory comes from research that suggests acidic environments may help foster the growth of cancer cells, according to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. “While these findings are accurate, they apply only to cells in an isolated lab setting,” noted the American Institute for Cancer Research. “Altering the cell environment of the human body to create a less acidic, less cancer-friendly environment is virtually impossible,” the American Institute for Cancer Research adds. Thus, alkaline water can’t change the pH levels of your blood. “Our bodies are really adept at keeping blood pH in tight range, so even if you eat or drink something acidic or alkaline, by the time it gets to your digestive system, it will be neutralized anyway, to keep your blood in that tight range,” says Malkani. So if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer or are trying to prevent the disease, talking with your doctor and focusing on eating healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and beans, is important, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, but worrying over whether your food or drinks are acidic or basic isn’t necessary. RELATED: What to Eat to Feel Your Best While Fighting Cancer

Alkaline Water: to Drink or Not to Drink?

While most health claims surrounding alkaline water don’t pan out, drinking it won’t hurt you, says Malkani. And there’s an actual perk when it comes to flavor: “Many people find alkaline water tastes a little smoother and slightly sweeter,” says Malkani. “So, if you enjoy the taste of alkaline water and it helps you stay hydrated, then why not drink it?” says Malkani. “Hydration is important for so many systems in our body,” she says. “Drinking water helps us maintain an optimal weight, plus you need enough water for fiber to work properly, for your digestion and bowel movements,” says Malkani. Just know that it may come at a financial price. “There are no downsides to drinking alkaline water, except that you’re spending more money than you need to,” adds Rizzo. If you do want to go the alkaline water route, Essentia uses an ionization process to make the water alkaline, while Flow is an alkaline spring water. You can also try an alkaline infuser, like the GoFiltr Alkaline Filter to make your own alkaline water at home. One last word of advice: Be sure you don’t think of alkaline water as a cure-all, says Rizzo. “If you’re drinking it while eating fried food and junky snacks, that will lead to inflammation, and alkaline water won’t solve that problem,” says Rizzo. RELATED: A Comprehensive Guide to an Anti-Inflammatory Diet